blogging the journey from single girl to married woman.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

whose wedding is it anyway?

So I'm headed to Enzo Bridal tomorrow for my first shot at dress shopping. Even though the only reason I'm looking this early is because my curiosity about their promotion, I am still pretty excited to try on wedding dresses.

Now, Momzilla is a HUGE fan of "Say Yes To The Dress" on the Style Network. Anytime I'm over her house, she makes me sit and watch at least three episodes. And during every episode, she reminds me of two things:

1) She has to attend every bridal shop visit
2) She has to cry when she sees THE dress

Now, I absolutely love my mother and I value her opinion, especially when it comes to planning the wedding. She's got a great eye for detail and quite the creative imagination (which is GOOD in this case). And while I am perfectly fine having her with me at every visit, I still don't know if I agree with her second criterion.

MZ says she wants me to wear the dress that SHE thinks makes me look the most beautiful. If she doesn't cry when I walk out of the dressing room, the dress is not eligible. It's a lovely, heartfelt plan and I certainly want my mother to feel emotional when she sees me in my wedding dress but shouldn't I be the final determinant in which dress I wear? Don't I need to feel beautiful in it first? Isn't it MY dress to pick?

Just whose wedding is it anyway?!

I know, I know. My mother has been planning my wedding since the day the doctor announced she had a baby girl. She's been storing away gifts for my bridal shower since I'm, oh, 15 years old. I know she plans on decorating the house on the big day and that she wants to step out of the pews and join my father as he gives me away to Gianfranco. She's got all of plans down to the tiniest detail and I know that my wedding and my sister's wedding will be the highlights of her life.

But shouldn't it also be the highlight of mine? My mother already had her wedding back in 1981. She got to pick her hall, ask her attendants, and wear the dress of her choice. Isn't it my turn now?

I know my mother means well and I know she wants me to look breathtaking on my wedding day. I agree with her; I just want to make sure that the dress I wear is the one that takes MY breath away first.

So we'll see how tomorrow goes. Cross your fingers that the dress I ultimately buy is one that makes both me and Momzilla happy!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, its your wedding, and ultimately when it comes down to it, its going to be you letting your mom know that. Not in a nasty or hurtful way, but firmly and lovingly letting her know that you are the one wearing the dress. No matter what, I know you'll look beautiful! xoxo

Zlata said...

its funny that your mom said that.
i promise you that when you find the right dress that you love it will be the right dress for your mother and you will both cry.
I knew i found my dress and without saying a word I looked up and saw my mother crying which was only confirmation that I was in THE dress!
Dont worry....just enjoy trying them all on.