blogging the journey from single girl to married woman.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

first impressions

When I first created my wedding budget, I didn't allocate much to the invitation department. But the more wedding blogs I read, the more I'm starting to become brainwashed by stationery companies who remind me that first impressions mean everything.

I still don't believe in spending a fortune on wedding invitations (they usually get tossed in the garbage!) but I began thinking outside of the box in terms of style and design.

Luckily, I found a great vendor on, who not only has the perfect design to fit my snowflake/DIY motif but is also really affordable. I'd post an example but I want my guests to be surprised!

So now that I have invitations in mind, I am contemplating whether or not I should hire a calligrapher to address the envelopes. There are a couple of calligraphers that have decent prices and cute handwriting but Momzilla doesn't think they are "formal" enough.

First, there's Swoon Over It. Amanda, the calligrapher, has three different styles. This isn't the one I would pick but it's the only image I could find on the web!

Her pricing starts at $0.95 an envelope.

Then there's Blink Calligraphy by one of my favorite wedding bloggers, Preppy Bride at 2365. Apparently she shares my love for wedding planning and DIY projects!

Below are the styles I like but again, Momzilla doesn't think it's fancy enough for a wedding. Her pricing starts at $0.75 an envelope.

Then there's Calligraphy by Michele, run by a woman who lives really close to my parents so it would be quite convenient to drop off and pick up the envelopes. This is the only calligrapher to whom MZ gave approval.

Her pricing starts at $1.15 an envelope. But I suppose I save on shipping since it would be local.

And last but not least, there's one more calligraphy option. Yours Truly. I signed up for an 8-session calligraphy class that will begin next week and I'm hoping my $95 enrollment fee will make me good enough to address my own invitations and then some. Who knows, maybe I can begin my own calligraphy service one day!

So what do you think? Is calligraphy worth it? If so, which style do you like?

Or do you think I'm making a big fuss over nothing and should just run the envelopes through the printer for free? :)


Anonymous said...

I gotta say, you can't get more DIY then actually printing the envelopes on your own home computer. They have plenty of different calligraphy fonts you can use and it'll cost you, well, practically nothing!

meglaz said...

For the record, I hold on to wedding invites!

And, about Calligraphy, I'm with you're mom on this one... If you are going to spend the money, then pick the fancy handwriting. If you like the less formal look, then, find a friend with good handwriting to do it for free. :)

Deena said...

We ran ours through the printer. It was free and easy...and plenty of fonts to make it look fancy enough to please MZ. :-)

And FYI...for those rare people who do save the invites...I bet none of them save the envelopes!

Anonymous said...

I like the one mom chose as well! You are making such a great party, don't skimp on the invites! I am sure whatever you chose will be wonderful.

Let me know the date so Gary and I will put it on the calendar! We are so excited for you and Gian Franco is one lucky guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Save the money on Calligraphy and either DIY if your classes teach you to be awesome OR your other options would be run them through the printer OR like I did, buy clear labels and print on them instead and peel and stick. (my envelopes did not fit through my printer properly. NO ONE will look at the envelope long enough to care how you did it they just want to see who its from and if they were invited with a guest or not. Dont let the wedding invitation companies convince you otherwise.