blogging the journey from single girl to married woman.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

sprinting to the finish line

Starting in January, my company began using an organizational system called "Sprints" as part of preparing for one of our biggest projects.  How it works is we meet once a month and determine the tasks and goals we plan to accomplish between each meeting (which is spaced about 4 weeks apart).  While there can certainly be large tasks listed, we try to break each one down into smaller, more doable items so that the big picture gets done faster.

So, being the planner that I am, I've decided to apply my work methods to my wedding.  In order to prepare for the big day (t-minus 7 months!), I have broken down wedding tasks by month.  To make it "cutesy," I named each Sprint after a winter word.

Here's an example:

I'm hoping that if I give myself little goals, like addressing 50% of the invitation envelopes, then I won't feel so intimidated to work on my calligraphy.  It also gives me a sense of how much time I'll need to set aside each month in order to plan my wedding.

Of course, after looking at my full Sprint list, I began to panic.  How the heck am I going to get all of these things done?!  Keep in mind that this is just MY wedding planning. None of these tasks are related to my sister's bridal shower, bachelorette party or wedding plans! 

Do any of you ladies have other suggestions on how to keep yourself organized?  

When would you say is the MOST stressful time?  The week before the wedding?  Or the seven months before when you realize how much stuff needs to get done?


david k said...

great ideas i think i'm gonna try to apply this myself. but if your already sprinting when do you take a breath?

Lisa said...

I found the week before the wedding to be the calmest it was a month before when I was trying to finalize all the little details I wanted to be the stressful time. If you plan it so that you are finished with all projects and budgetary concerns by December 1st, youll get to enjoy the last couple of weeks before instead of dreading each day of to do lists.

Todd said...

I didn't see "update blog" anywhere on that calendar