blogging the journey from single girl to married woman.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

heading towards the wedding

Back in the day, when my wedding countdown was at like 655 days, I used to wonder what I'd be thinking right before I got married.  Would I be nervous?  Would I be prepared?  Would I be freaking out?

Well here I am, just days before the big day and here's what I'm thinking:

  1. Will I be able to eat in that dress???  On one hand, I hear you rarely get to eat at your own wedding.  On the other hand, I know myself.  You know how some people lose weight when they're sick because they lose their appetite?  Yeah, that's not me.  I eat MORE because I'm sitting in my pajamas watching Maury.  There's no question of my eating.  I'm just worried because my wedding dress is just a bit tighter than my tshirt and sweatpants.
  2. Will I be able to walk in that dress???  Without the petticoat, it has about 5 layers of tulle.  With petticoat, it has about 15.  I couldn't even fit through the dressing room door and now I'm supposed to walk down an aisle.  Next to another person. I'm slightly nervous I'll sideswipe people on the way down.
  3. Will I cry?  Right now I cry thinking about my father handing me off to a man who might not realize that I am useless when it comes to checking the air in my tires.  I cry thinking about our first dance.  But the real question is whether or not I'll cry when it's actually happening.  Who knows.  Maybe I'll be too busy thinking about tires.
  4. Will I have fun?  I know it sounds like a silly question but from what I hear, you don't get to eat, you don't have time to dance and you don't get to talk to your friends.  That doesn't sound very fun to me at all.
  5. Will anyone notice the details?  Well, will they????  I've spent the past two years designing, cutting, adhering, addressing, hole punching, and assembling.  All for details that people will glance at and either leave in the pew or toss in the trash.  But I guess they'll be too busy having fun eating, dancing and talking to their friends so I can't really blame them.
And last but not least, the big question of the week is:
What, in Heaven's name, am I going to do when it's all over?!


Lisa Buckley said...

Ok so from experience here are my tips for the big day....

You have to have your DOC tell the maitre d to pull you away while dinner is being served to ensure you get to at least have a small taste of the food. Plus plenty of people will want to clink their glasses to make you kiss and get pics of that.

If you can try to thank people for coming during the cocktail hour. Terry and I did that and then we were able to enjoy our reception instead of spending the night going table to table.

Make sure you dance... the one thing Terry said to me before the wedding was "Im not a dancer but Ill do all the slow dances with you". Then at the reception he saw the videographer and photographer start taking pictures right away and he thought... do I want to look through my album or watch the video and wonder where I was? He wanted to be apart of the moment not look back and wonder where he was or who he was talking to. It made for a much better time and I think more people got up to dance because they saw us dancing and having fun so they wanted to join us.

I think youll cry because in the moment when you start walking up the aisle all youll see is Gianfranco and everything else will become a blur. Youll start to realize that the new chapter of your life that youve always dreamed about it about to begin and it will just consume and overwhelm you in an amazing way. Have your dad or the best man carry an extra handkerchief just in case.

The people who will truly notice the details will be brides to be, newly married women, moms of brides to be or a newlywed, people that youve spoken about about the details and the girl that cant wait to be engaged and is thinking about how she would do it compared to what you did. Either way the details will not go unnoticed!

Enjoy the day and the excitement of it all! I cant wait for pics!

HiLLjO said...

I hope your wedding weekend was beautiful and I hope it was fun, you got to eat and dance and talk with everyone you love.